Air Link Software - CD-Player

After purchasing the Air-Link hardware I decieded to write a small replacement for my CD Remote Control Handset. I have an old(ish) Philips CD player but the software is configurable for other handsets.

The software assumes that AREXX is running and that you are running the InfraRexx commodity. If not then it will just do nothing.

The software consists of a small window that pops up on the workbench that has buttons that when pressed send command to the Air-Link hardware via AREXX commands.

The ARexx commands are user configurable and held in the preferences file CD-Remote.prf. Changing these commands to the commands for your CD remote handset will enable you to control your CD Player.

CD Remote Handset software for the Air-Link hardware

If you have any queries then drop me an e-mail at .
The software is free .... feel free to distribute, let me know if you find it useful :-)

p.s. If anyone would like a TV handset let me know .... :-)

For information on the Air-Link hardware have a look at the following pages :

Homepage of Leon Woestenberg
CU Amiga homepages (News)

This page was last updated on 29th March 1998